
  • The right environment often helps to make the right choice and support in difficult times. This is the role played by business clubs, which are becoming increasingly popular among entrepreneurs. The first business clubs appeared in the British Empire in the 18th century, where gentlemen gathered to discuss stock news and establish business contacts. In the Victorian era, there were more than 2,000 such communities in the empire. Business clubs were first opened at the beginning of the 20th century, however, then they never became widespread - businessmen simply did not understand why they needed such communities. Truly business clubs have become popular only in recent years, and there are several reasons for this: Economic waves and crises. Business communities usually appear in difficult times - businessmen want to communicate and receive advice on how to get out of a difficult situation. The development of social networks. The spread of social networks and instant ...
  • On June, 2nd, a business meeting of entrepreneurs will be held in Miami! Business networking, buffet, champagne, project presentations, speeches by speakers on topics, communication, exchange of contacts, etc.  
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