This is the role played by business clubs, which are becoming increasingly popular among entrepreneurs.
The first business clubs appeared in the British Empire in the 18th century, where gentlemen gathered to discuss stock news and establish business contacts. In the Victorian era, there were more than 2,000 such communities in the empire.

Business clubs were first opened at the beginning of the 20th century, however, then they never became widespread - businessmen simply did not understand why they needed such communities.
Truly business clubs have become popular only in recent years, and there are several reasons for this:
Economic waves and crises. Business communities usually appear in difficult times - businessmen want to communicate and receive advice on how to get out of a difficult situation.
The development of social networks. The spread of social networks and instant messengers contributed to the comprehensive communication of entrepreneurs. Business owners now communicate not only with other entrepreneurs, but also with their direct competitors.
Internet boom. America has long been one of the world’s centers in the field of information technology, many IT entrepreneurs have appeared in the country and in the world who prefer to communicate with colleagues.
Travel abroad. Businessmen actively travel and observe how business is done abroad. In the EU countries and in the USA, business people actively communicate in business clubs, and this is to their advantage.

First of all, the opportunity to communicate with equals. In fact, most entrepreneurs feel very lonely, they have no one to share their problems with. Relatives and relatives are not always ready to discuss business topics, and you can’t talk about it with subordinates either. Going to business events at random is a dubious business, there is a risk of running into scammers or information businessmen, whose main goal is to “divorce” you for money, persuade them to get a job or kill your time with lectures about “successful success”.
Business clubs give you the opportunity to communicate with the same people as you, with approximately the same income and similar tasks. Some participants have more experience and extensive connections, so they can help with valuable advice or contacts. Yes, and the entrepreneur may not be afraid that he will be advised something is not right. Each club member values his reputation and does not want to be excluded from the community.
Moderators, mostly experienced entrepreneurs, determine the direction of the conversations - this way the participants do not waste time, but discuss the topics that bother them most at the rallies.
In the club it is really possible to find a mentor who is very experienced in business management and who will help you grow up. Usually these are owners of large businesses. As a rule, they will not expect you to pay for their care, they are interested in testing their own mentoring skills. So, thanks to the business club, you can get valuable advice and a mentor for free.
Business communities often hold interesting events where famous speakers are invited. Club members take part in joint trips, sports and entertainment events. It is much easier for an entrepreneur to relax in a team where they do not seek to get anything from him and do not try to curry favor. In such an environment, you can talk about life with colleagues, hear an interesting idea, or establish business relationships with a person who will not deceive you.
How to become a business club member
Clubs, which are divided into open and closed, have different requirements for their members.
Open. For membership in such clubs, it is enough to sign a document where you agree to the terms of participation in the club, pay a membership fee and monthly transfer a monthly fee. Some clubs take security measures from random people: set a high monthly subscription fee (about a thousand dollars) or oblige to pass an interview with the club director.
The communities note that such requirements are put forward for a reason, because they are responsible for a comfortable and safe atmosphere for their members.
Closed. It is even more difficult to get into such clubs. Firstly, you must be recommended by one of the members, secondly, there should be no objections from other participants, and thirdly, you need to pass an interview with the head of the club. Sometimes confirmation is required that you really are the owner of the business and have a certain income per year. You will also be required to sign an agreement on the terms of stay in the club. If you do not meet these requirements, you will not be included in the community.
Yes, closed clubs are not particularly hospitable, but they are the best option for entrepreneurs, as they weed out unwanted members, leaving only reliable, secure and open ones. You can not only communicate with such people, but also jointly invest in business.
However, if you can’t afford club memberships ($100-$500 a month) or you’ve been turned down, it doesn’t matter. There are industry or business clubs that do not have such high requirements.